Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sonlight Express VBS - Tuesday Night

On Tuesday we visited Mercy Meadows and learned that Jesus Leads.  It was so cute to see the children making their little sheep in the Craft Caboose.  Then they went to the bible lesson and learned to trust Jesus and to follow him just like sheep follow their shepherd.  The bible lesson text was from John 10:1-9, 27 and the memory verse for the night was John 10:4 "The sheep follow him: for they know his voice."

Charlie leading the children through the lesson.
Boxcar Games - the object of the game was to listen to the leader of your group on how to wrap up one of the children.

The Preschool kids were all proud of their sheep!
5th grade and up singing songs in the Melody Coach
Stay tuned for more of the Sonlight Express VBS!


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