Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Blogs

I am so excited! I have awesome news! My daughter & sister-in-law have both started blogs. You should check them out!

I don't have time to do a proper blog post this evening but just to give you a heads up...We are selling our house! Yes, there is a realtor's sign in the front yard. Please pray with me that God's will be done and that we get somewhere close to asking price!!


Val said...

How fun! I will go and check them out!!!

Val said...

Krista, Thanks for the congrats on May Mays baby. She is so creative in ways to tell us about things. Hey we are thinking of selling our house too!!! We need to downsize.Hope you are doing well.

Shanda said...

mess getting to talk to you

Shanda said...

Sorry that is miss