The wait is finally over! Baby Isaac's due date is October 23rd, however Brendia has been dilated several centimeters and thinned out for about 3-4 weeks now. She'll have really hard labor pains for a couple of hours and then they just go away. This has been going on since she was 36 weeks. Brendia wants to deliver naturally, so she has been waiting on things to progress well...naturally. She had a doctor's appt this past Monday, and the doctor said enough is enough. We are all surprised that the baby hasn't just fallen out. I say he takes after his family and he is just stubborn. The doctor scheduled for her to come in tomorrow morning and they are going to start her on a PIT drip. I think that is what it is called. The doctor thinks that once that kicks in it'll only be a couple of hours since she is already over 5cm dilated. So, by tomorrow night I should have pics of Baby Isaac! Can you tell I'm excited? I've already decided I am going to be his favorite aunt! That is if Heather will just stay out of the picture. She is so much younger and cooler than me :) Heather if you are reading this I still love you!
These are few pictures of my sister, Brendia and her fabulous husband, Brandon. They are so cute together. I'm sure that their baby will be an absolute doll!
In case you can't tell Brendia is younger than I am. I was 8 years old when my Mom & Dad brought her home. I thought they had brought me my very own baby doll! Brendia's hair has always been blond, but when she was little she didn't have a lot of it. I can remember thinking she would be bald forever. Finally she grew hair. I would make her sit for hours while I played dress up with her. I would change her clothes, put little braids all over her hair, and those little hair barrettes where the hair wouldn't stay braided. Like I said she was my very own baby doll. I didn't have to have a Baby Alive doll, because I really did have an alive baby! I learned how to change her diaper, and feed her when she was first born. I honestly can't believe so many years have passed and she is having a baby of her own. On October 12, she turned 27, but it still feels like she is my baby sister. I couldn't ask for a better sister. She is wise beyond her years. She has become my best friend. While she used to sit for hours and let me play dress up with her, now she has been known to sit for hours just listening to me talk. Believe me this is true. We worked side by side in a small office for 2 years, and when I get nervous I talk...and she listened! Believe it or not, we've never had an argument. We don't always agree on everything, but we don't argue. I've always been able to depend on Brendia. Anytime I have some crazy idea that I want to do, she'll be the first one to say she'll help me, and believe me I have had a few hairbrained schemes. She's never acted like my ideas were stupid, even when some of them were beyond stupid! It may sound sappy...but she is the best sister that I could ever have. A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double. ~Toni Morrison We are very much alike but yet very different too!
I am asking each of you to pray a special prayer tomorrow for my baby sister, and her new baby, Isaac.
How exciting! I remember when my younger sisters had their kids and I felt like you do. Can't wait to see the pictures of baby Isaac and I'll be praying.
Oh how exciting! I have been waiting to hear. When I saw her the other day, she looked ready to pop. I have got to get busy on her gift. I know you are so excited! I can't wait until Mandy's baby comes either. I am looking so forward to see your next posts about the baby. Tell her we are praying!
I am anxiously awaiting the news. We are still praying.
Aww, how sweet. I've never heard you be so mushy, except about your kids. Well, just know this is how I feel. . . ditto. Sorry, I just can't get started. With all of these post pregnancy hormones running rampant once I get started I may not be able to stop. Love you!
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